& intuitive HEALER
Deep down your soul knows it’s possible to feel more happiness, more joy, more ease, more trust in yourself.
And when you have more self worth, self trust & faith in your future…..anything become possible!
Quitting your corporate job to design a whole new life & business
Planning a round the world trip, working online as you travel
Manifesting your dream home by the sea
Manifesting more love, more money, more happiness, more fun!
Feeling peaceful inside & trusting yourself to make bold moves
Saying Yes to new things, knowing it will work out for you
More time off, less stress, more freedom.
You didn’t come here this lifetime to settle for an average life: a job on autopilot or one that takes over your life, unfulfilled relationships, numbing out on Netflix, or constantly feeling not good enough.
Deep down you know more is possible:
More happiness, more self acceptance, more peace with your past and your decisions, more freedom to be you and do more of the things that light you up (like travelling the world, writing, painting, helping people or just sitting by the sea watching a beautiful sunset).
Your soul came here to grow and evolve.
Your soul came here to do meaningful work & fulfil it’s purpose.
Your soul came here to make a difference on Earth.
But when you got here, you had a shock.
Earth is hard.
They say Earth is like the Mount Everest of spiritual growth and oh, don’t you know it’s been like climbing a mountain sometimes.
An uphill struggle.
Still feeling not good enough, still feeling like you could be doing more….yet more disappointments, rejections, guilt and shame.
Because of old patterns you procrastinate on taking the action you know would move you forwards in your work, or speaking up. You hide from people seeing who you really are or speaking your truth, and then you just get more frustrated with yourself.
Sometimes it seems like you will never do enough or be enough.
You’ve had moments of glory, brilliant manifestations and times when it flows like a dream…
But then there you are again back stuck in the mud, with those old familiar patterns rearing their head again.
Who am I to think I can do this?
Who am I to shine?
Why am I back here again?
I’m here to tell you that there’s a way to quiet that critical inner voice, a way to transform old patterns and beliefs, and a way that’s deep and gentle yet highly effective, and that it can be a beautiful deep healing journey where you will gently let go of old patterns and beliefs that have been holding you back.
I believe in you & I know you CAN shift these patterns with the right support.
If it’s a YES to any of these you are in the right place:
You are experiencing repeating patterns in your life and can’t seem to move past them
Patterns like being rejected for jobs or work, repeated patterns in relationships, feeling abandoned/let down, being stuck and not able to move forwards or feeling like you keep going back to where you were. Perhaps your emotions - especially fear, resistance and shame - feel overwhelming and put you on a rollercoaster in life, and you long for more peace and calm.
You know you are here to make a difference but you haven’t been able to express your full potential yet
You feel guilty for procrastinating, or are confused about what to do, you seem to be doing ‘all the right things’ but just not getting the results you want.
You’ve noticed some of the old fears creeping back in since the pandemic
It could be anxiety, money worries, fears about work drying up, loneliness, feeling like a failure, guilt, self criticism, procrastination, the fear of change - and you are done with feeling like this.

The world is changing…
…the old ways don’t work anymore, and a new era is coming in. You are an important part of bringing in that new era, and with that opportunity comes time to let go of the old ways of being, thinking and operating in the world.
Your soul is ready, in fact as you know, you’re already well on your way. You’ve come so far and it’s time to let go on an even deeper levels so you can rise and fly.
It’s time to let go of the old family stories about what’s possible, about the struggle, the fear, and being less than you came here to be. It’s time to let go of the collective negativity and generations of old trauma.
The more you shed these layers, the more you will live & feel joyful, abundant, free, at peace and fulfilled
Those old patterns and dynamics you were born into, they weigh heavily on your mind.
Self sabotage, fear, overwhelm, frustration, self criticism, isolation, hiding, self doubt…..
Childhood wounds run deep in all of us, from big to small, keeping us showing up as less than we’re destined to be. Most of them we aren’t even fully aware of, they are buried so, so deep.
You know you’re here to be a gamechanger for your family, but sometimes it’s like pushing a boulder up a mountain. You need support from an expert to help you in the process.
When you clear these patterns from your family & childhood, things start to get easier.
You are more confident and stop worrying about being judged by others.
Rejection & failure don’t throw you off course any more & you bounce back quickly.
You feel safe to take bigger risks and make bold moves.
Your intuition grows stronger, giving you deep inner faith & trust in yourself and your decisions.
You feel so positive and excited about your future, and what’s possible for you.
You effortlessly attract money, exciting opportunities, new ideal clients, recognition, abundance & love into your life.
What people are saying about their experience of Heal Beautifully…
Massive transformation at a soul level
I had a traumatic upbringing. I'd been in this kind of desperation trying to move beyond the trauma so I can start my business and get it to flourish. However much work I did, I just couldn't get beyond it. I didn't have clarity. It was almost like another layer below the surface.
On the first session, it felt like part of my soul had just literally integrated. It was like, “ah, the clarity of who I am, finally.”
Each week, it was just so amazing, the journey and the integration. It's been exciting. Now I feel so much more embodied. I feel so much more accepting of who I am as a person. It’s just such a big change in how I feel about myself. I am feeling so so blessed.
- Marianna
I’m a happier person
I feel like I'm a happier person and I feel that worth coming from inside me.
I'm happier, I laugh more, and I take life as it comes. I'm not worrying as much as I used to, and yes, changes are already coming.
- Monica
I Birthed my Beautiful True Self
My inner growth and change happened first & then it was reflected in my outer world and business, my relationships, my life, my whole being. Just before the end of the course I closed a new $3k client. In this journey I stepped into my beautiful TRUE self and let go of family blocks & preconceived notions that are holding me back.
- Yasmin
Quieted her Inner Critic & Stepped into Personal Power
I shifted beliefs about not being loved, being abandoned, being alone, being sad and that I must be silent to be safe. I became aware that my subconscious was still operating as that little girl who has to be quiet to be safe.
I released my fear of my father’s anger, and my guilt about feeling angry along with the fear of feeling my own emotions. I realised that my own power had been suppressed under these emotions that I had pushed down.
Since the session I've noticed that I’m being more loving towards myself. My inner voice is less critical, and I’m being kinder and more understanding towards myself.
- Pauline
Massive increase in happiness and acceptance of where I am at
I'm now the happiest girl on earth! It's really a big shift to be happy.
There's always something to improve. There's always something to be better at. There's always more money, more success, more clients, better relationships. There's always more, but to be happy in the present and where you're at. This is what I really feel like now.
I can’t figure out how we did it in just 6 weeks but we did!
- Sarah
A 7 Week Healing Journey, led by Polly Alexandre
Heal Beautifully is for men and women like you, who know that things could be better, but who are hitting repeating patterns in their life, and not feeling as good as they want to.
In this powerful journey we will focus on 7 key points along your soul’s timeline, that hugely impact on your ability to manifest what you desire. When you heal these old blocks and patterns, and shift the limiting beliefs about yourself, the outside changes in profound ways, your self trust and self worth grow, and more is possible.
Pre birth/pregnancy
Your soul’s decision to incarnate into human form & our transition into this body. We will release birth trauma, emotions you picked up in the womb and from your parents during pregnancy. This week can release sadness, a feeling of not belonging, and help you feel more of a sense of purpose for being here.
The First Year of Life
The most pivotal time in our human growth when key wounds happen around attachment, bonding, the relationship with masculine and feminine energies, abandonment, safety, guilt etc. When you didn’t experience love in the way you needed it, you will experience this replaying in subsequent relationships, and repeated patterns. We go back to clear so you can free yourself from these limiting patterns.
Family of Origin Patterns
The templates and beliefs you inherited from your mother, father and ancestral lines. This includes topics like poverty, family secrets, shame, family dynamics and significant historical events that impacted your ancestors like war, divorce, separation & loss. This week will help you release feelings of fear & anxiety, poverty & struggle.
Our sense of self worth is established in childhood through parenting, schooling, and early events. Together we go back and heal the wounds so that you can feel more worthy, more lovable, and valuable. You'll go back and meet your inner child to understand what he/she really needs. We’ll look at the Mother Wound and the Father Wound and where self worth first got imprinted.
Teenage Years
Healing wounds around belonging, fitting in, bullying, exclusion, shame, feeling not enough. This can be a challenging time where we are forming our identity in the world, and finding out who we are. This week will help you create more self acceptance of who you really are, and release worrying about what others think.
As we move through life we acquire life experiences which can leave their mark on us. Whilst they often have origins in earlier years, it’s important to clear the imprint of events like divorce, miscarriage, loss, rejection & betrayal, business failures & debt, so that you can be free of regrets and resentments, and emotional energy around past events.
Healing for your Purpose/Mission in the World
Releasing fears of being visible, speaking your truth, how to trust your gifts, find the right audience for your gifts, and bring in support for your mission. Doing soul work can be very triggering and require you to step outside your comfor zone and take risks. When you have more self trust and faith in things working out for you, you will feel more empowered to move forwards with your new direction and work in the world. Things will be easier, flow more and you’ll feel stronger.
you are about to:
Heal deep patterns from your family & childhood
Gently & safely guided by me, I will tune into the group energy and intuitively read what most needs to be cleared for the group. You will heal shame, anger, resentment & rejection along with deep seated scarcity & survival programmes.
Identify your hidden blocks
Be supported by this insightful journey in your desire to feel better, to become more successful and to feel happier. This is a sacred and safe space to be held & to heal and the easy to digest content and deep gentle energy work will unlock deep awarenesses for you.
Release anxiety & fear
You will reconnect to that part of your soul that knows it is always peaceful and safe & protected & release energy and fears that are not yours on a soul level.
Grow your trust & faith in yourself & life
If you’re feeling powerless or out of control right now, this journey will return you to a deep sense of safety and peace and faith that everything is working out. You’ll develop a lot more trust and faith in yourself and your path.
Ignite your optimism & passion for your future
Your soul is here to have a ball! When you let go of old conditioning and energy, and strengthen your connection to source and your gifts, you’ll feel more energised, optimistic and excited about life.
7 Weeks of Healing Modules
Starting as soon as you sign up, you’ll have access to new modules released each week in your online hub. Each module will take no longer than 60 mins and is divided into short lessons between 3 and 15 minutes each. Do one a day or dedicate an hour each week.
Online Hub for Content
With access to your private online hub for your course, you’ll be free to return and review the material whenever you want & take it at your own pace. Each time you re-listen to the healing journeys, you’ll discover something new and deepen your healing.
Heal at your own pace
Take your time and go at your own pace. Do one small video a day or dedicate an hour each week to complete each module. There’s no homework: this is an experiential energy journey that will nourish and heal you from within as you listen and watch the transmissions. You have lifetime access to the course material.
Supporting Material
Additional materials to support your journey as required including bonus meditations & recordings of healing hot seats & Q&A with past participants.
What people are saying about their experience of Heal Beautifully…
Big increase in self worth & lots of light bulb moments
Over the six weeks, I feel my self-worth has gone up considerably, as has my self-belief. I've also noticed I've had like a lot of epiphanies and awakenings and realizations and light bulb moments.
I sold my biggest packages in my business as a result of the inner healing
It was such a beautiful gift to myself. Breaking down the life periods in these healings has been so powerful. I could connect the dots and understand why things happened the way they did.
I really enjoyed that there was no homework! It was so nice just to show up on Monday and be like, I don't have to prepare anything. I can show up as myself and learn to be gentle with myself.
There were business wins too as a result of the inner healing: I sold my highest mentorship package last month and just today sold my highest photography package.
- Brittany
Released guilt & baggage from the past
I carried a lot of baggage - guilt, things from my past. I used to have something to prove, but I don't feel that as much now. I feel freer. I feel like a weight has been lifted and life is good. You know, life is good.
- Kathy
Now I am comfortable with being visible
It was a really quick decision: the minute I saw Heal Beautifully, I felt that in my soul that I need to be part of it. The main reason I joined, was because I felt like I want to be more visible, but I always fear it.
I've always been hiding. I've been good at hiding. I've always been good at helping people, but I wasn’t appreciating myself enough, not celebrating myself.
So now I can say that I do honour myself and I honour my feelings as well.
The programme also unlocked a lot of my creativity.
I just wanted to do more. I felt like a child: I wanted to explore more. Now I've been doing a lot of writing & a lot of inspiration has been coming through.
There have been significant shifts in my visibility: I did my first in person workshop, first online webinar and started doing live videos. I don't want to stay and wait for my life to begin. I don't want my purpose to be hiding. Now I feel ready to go out there and do amazing things.
- Oana
Now I am actually getting results!
Before I used to feel good, but I wasn’t getting any results. It was like there was a block between the inside and the outside. I was taking the action but it wasn't manifesting.
Now I am so happy that I'm getting results - like actual results now!
- Nafisa
I reclaimed my power
I have gained one more part of myself back, a really huge part. It feels like I don't have to prove anything to anyone anymore. I feel so free and so, so much lighter.
- Sally
I stopped worrying & learned to ride the waves
I'm more able to ride the waves instead of fighting the storm. I used to worry a lot, and I had to use all sorts of techniques to calm myself down. I don't need to do this anymore.
When worries come up, you know, I sort of stop, I breathe, and then I'm able to say, okay, I'll deal with it once it comes, because as we all know, most of the time the worries don't come true anyway. So this, for me, is a really, really big shift, because I just feel so much calmer.
- Maria
YOUR INVESTMENT: $497 Pay in full or 2 payments of $297 on payment plan
To work with me privately or in my high level Masterminds usually costs upwards of $15,000. This healing program is priced affordably to allow as many people as possible to join the journey & experience the power of healing
Got questions? Email the team at support@pollyalexandre.com
About Polly Alexandre
Polly Alexandre overcame decades of self-limiting beliefs, ancestral patterns of struggle & fears, to live the life she was always meant to live. She travels between Ibiza, London & LA, helping ambitious entrepreneurs create true abundance in their lives: peace, freedom, joy and happiness.
As a certified Master Coach, Intuitive Healer & with a BA (Hons) in Psychology, Polly blends her extensive transformational coaching experience & intuitive healing abilities with nearly 20 years of experience as an entrepreneur. She’s been meditating for almost 30 years since her first silent Buddhist mediation retreat aged 19 & now channels powerful meditations and energy work from Source.
Through working on her own lack and scarcity patterns, Polly went from being a chronic underearner with a story of never enough money, to being a multi-six figure entrepreneur. Students flock to her for her effervescent inspiration, her compassionate presence, and her super-power intuitive skills. She instantly tunes in through the noise to pinpoint the core of their issues & create rapid transformation.