Is this you?
You know it’s time to rise & you are wildly excited about the possibilities. Deep down you know you have what it takes.
You’re brilliant at what you do, and you know more is possible for you, but you lack a clear plan for expansion…
You desire to double your income, but without working harder.
You’re done with the old way of overworking, pushing and striving to hit your goals.
You are SO ready for more ease, flow, fun, joy and abundance in every area of your life.
You know that it’s time to go to your next level of leadership & visibility in the world, and it’s time to release the next layer around the fear of being judged.
There never seem to be enough hours in the day. Time is a challenge & you know deep down you are blocking receiving more success.
You always seem to be busy but deep down you know you are not moving forwards & have been at the same level for a while now. Something has to change. You are no longer available for the old way.
You are already at (or close to) a 6 figure+ revenue and your goal is multi-six figures (or 7 figures)
If any of these sound like you, then you’re in the right place.
Brave New You.
Create your next level with a whole new way of being….

Are you ready to...
Clear your mindset blocks FAST?
Accelerate your income and impact in an easier way?
Unlock your inner power & step into the role of a leader in your field?
Your next level of success will not come from DOING more….it will come from BEING more.
What got you to your current level of success is not the same way of being that will birth your next level.
It’s time to open up to A new way of being.
What does that mean?
Being more calm, more centered
Being more of a leader in business
Being more in control of your emotions
Being more in faith
Being more of a co-creator
Doing less & creating more
Imagine feeling filled up by your business & mission in this world, instead of drained or overwhelmed by responsibilities.
This is not a programme that’s about doing more…. it’s a journey that’s about doing less, and doing less better.
It’s about elevating to your next level of success by making small yet powerful changes to your offerings, message, team and business structure.
It’s about taking your energy and mindset to a level where things flow more easily than ever, where things feel more joyful, creative and fun.
It’s about streamlining your business, making things easier and allowing support in, so that your business journey can be more abundant, easier and more joyful.
On this journey
Money Mindset
Your Relationship with Time
Faith & Trust
Clarity on your Message
Operating from the Feminine Energy with more Creativity, Receiving & Flow
The Money & Mindset Mastery Programme
is your powerful container for transformation of:
Confidence Blocks
What is
The Money Mindset Accelerator is a unique NEW programme: a 4 month deep-dive transformational journey for a group of 10 people only, that combines private coaching with me, Polly, and the supportive & powerful container of a group Mastermind with live weekly sessions.
Together we will journey to our next level…
…pooling our knowledge, resources, ideas and support for each member in the group. I will be leading you on a journey to clear the next level of your money blocks - with a special focus on feeling comfortable with being seen and heard in the world as a leader, and on elevating your self worth to new levels, so you can truly feel worthy of more and feel confident in your abilities, experience and possibilities.
The Money & Mindset Accelerator will be a powerful vortex of energy that will accelerate your progress forward, far beyond what you could create on your own.
You will learn how to use your inner tools and resources, your inner power and intuition to guide yourself to the next level.
You will tap more powerfully than ever into your deep inner wisdom, power, truth & potential to manifest amazing external results with more ease and more joy.
After participating in Money & Mindset Mastery you will:
Have a clear plan to double your income & know exactly what action steps to take
Learn how to move forwards & grow in a feminine, balanced way without overwhelm, fear or overworking
Feel inspired & excited about the future and confident in your mission, who & how you serve
Be reconnected to your confidence, energy, connection to Source & Infinite Possibilities.
Gain Mastery over your Time & your Emotions and become more joyful, happy & relaxed in your day-to-day in your business.
Make back your investment (likely many times over! I am all about ROI)
What You Will Receive:
In your monthly 1:1 sessions with Polly, you will:
Session 1: Map out a plan for your next level of business
Sessions 2, 3, 4: Bespoke to your needs - could include clearing the limiting beliefs & money blocks in the way of increasing your income, receiving more support & money, being seen in the world, self-worth & fear of judgement.
These 1:1 sessions are completely customized to what you most need, are deep healing & transformation and will quantum leap your success in a BIG way. Rapid transformation happens in this container of time.
The value of these 1:1 sessions is $5555 based on Polly’s current private coaching rates.
Weekly Live Group Calls* - Transform your Mindset
Through powerful weekly live coaching & transformational energy work, you will shift your subconscious belief system fast.
This is the secret sauce that makes this Mastermind programme turbo charged & powerfully effective. Learn the Business Mindset you need to be a leader & shift the old programming in the way of you truly embodying this new mindset.
Powerful Business & Personal Coaching with Polly
Support via powerful coaching & healing to transform your limiting beliefs and creating your next level mindset on the live weekly calls.
Intimate Private Online Community
For daily support, community, accountability & sharing your wins.
Access to Extensive Business Training Resources Library with Comprehensive Teaching Courses,Videos & Workbooks
To support you in that next level of business, be it launching a podcast, becoming a speaker, writing a book, creating a social media channel, getting clarity on your message & offerings, growing a team & hiring support and much more. Available when and if you need them, without pressure or deadlines.
*No call the last week of each month, because I believe we succeed best with space to be, to breathe, to rest and to create. This is my model for all of my programmes and I invite you to experience this space too.
Who is Money & Mindset Mastery for?
This programme is for leaders in their field: coaches, healers, online, spiritual & creative entrepreneurs.
My vision is to create a group of diverse business owners, where each one is unique and we will all learn from each other. This is a Mastermind format so everyone will be contributing & supporting each other.
If you are feeling drawn to this experience but not sure if this is the right fit for you, just book a call with me here, and we’ll have an open dialogue around where you’re at and if it’s the right path for you.
“Income up by 86%!”
My bookings went up by 50% year on year, and now, six months after completing my mentoring with Polly, I have the same number of bookings that I did this time last year but with a booked income nearly 86% higher.
Polly is extremely perceptive, and she sees right to the heart of an issue. That was the truly powerful thing about mentoring with Polly. She didn’t just help me though the specific issues I was tackling at the time, she helped me learn how to be a stronger, more confident, more efficient business person and woman.
Ria Mishaal, Photographer & Educator
“After 2 months of implementing Polly's teachings, I was able to have my first $21,000 month in my coaching business! I couldn’t believe it and I was ready to go on and take on even more!”
D’Arcy, Coach & Entrepreneur
“I got every penny back from my investment & then some!”
I can say after working with Polly, I got a clear return and the money paid was absolutely worth it, without a doubt! I got every penny back from my investment & then some! She helped me to grow my main passion into a healthy business; to understand my barriers and how to tackle them one by one.
Polly has an entrepreneurial spirit and she proves this through her own success: she is not just teaching theory, she’s actually doing it and running a successful business.
Gül Sonmez, Intuitive Healer
Magical things happen when magical people come together

the Details
The Mastermind starts July & runs to end October
Investment for the Mastermind starts at $9500 (c. £6500) with options available for Mastermind Track & VIP Upgrade with 1:1 Sessions. Please only apply for an interview if you are ready to make this level of investment in yourself & your mission/business, if this was to be the right fit for you.
Exclusively for 10 people only
Frequently Asked Questions
+ Will you be running it again in 2021?
This Maastermind is opening once only for enrollment in 2021.
+ What makes this Programme unique?
Money & Mindset Mastery is a Unique Group Coaching Programme with teaching via self study video modules and workbooks, together with weekly live energy clearing coaching & Q&A sessions hosted by Polly.
The programme brings together powerful transformational coaching with intuitive energy clearing techniques to create deep inner transformation & clear your money blocks, along with powerful business coaching & mentoring to support in in crafting a solid clear plan for your next level of income.
Not only will you uncover your next level money blocks, but you will also have the support and techniques to clear them, and have a very special and supportive community to hold yourself accountable to action and implementing the material & behaviour changes - essential when you get stuck, feel like giving up or find yourself procrastinating.
+ Will you help me with ideas for making money in my business?
Money & Mindset Mastery will support you in creating a massive uplift in income from your business, through a combination of business mentoring, energy and mindset work & changing your beliefs.
You will need to take action – after all, we receive through action & other people – but when you do so from this new mindset and energy, you will get different results – much better results! It will feel easier, flow more and your power to attract without pushing & struggling will increase vastly. This is about your becoming more magnetic.
+ Will you help me make more money?
Yes. Money & Mindset Mastery WILL teach you how to change your mindset around money & completely change your energy & belief systems so you can change what you attract into your life.
You will shift deep limiting beliefs that will allow you to take different action, and you will learn practical actions you can take in order to attract more clients and make more money.
Mindset is proven to be 80% of success, and when your mindset changes the action you take changes, and you get different results. This programme will help you create a new money mindset, manage and think about money differently & clear the blocks to receiving more AND support you in getting clarity on what's next for your in business.
+ Will I get personal access to Polly?
On the 1:1 track you will have monthly 1:1 sessions with Polly AND in the Mastermind you will have the opportunity each week to call in for personal laser coaching & healing on the live calls.
Polly will also be in your private intimate community group for the duration of the Programme answering your questions and providing support.
+ I’m doing well, but I’m ready to do even better! Is this for me?
Absolutely! At every level there is a mindset shift required and these tools will help you to go to your next level: whether it’s multi 6 figures or 7 figures. We've had all sorts of people work with Polly to clear their money blocks - from lawyers to actresses, bankers to coaches, corporate high flyers to healers to artists, musicians and much, much more.
We've had people on the journey of transforming their money mindset who have never earned their own money, people in full time jobs & those starting their first business, right up to 7 & 8 figure entrepreneurs.
At every level there’s a new deeper level of patterns to clear, and this programme will support you in getting to YOUR next level.
+ Will I make the money I invest back?
This program teaches you everything I’ve done personally around my money mindset to hugely shift my money story & uplift my business & income & grow a multi-6 figure business.
You will have access to the same powerful work I do with my private clients who pay $25,000+ to work one to one with me.
Everyone’s story is different so it’s impossible to guarantee a specific outcome. What I do know is that if you put in the work, implement what I teach you, and you listen to the clearing sessions, then things WILL change for yo..
This work is incredibly powerful and I know firsthand that it has the power to change your life forever.
+ When does Money & Mindset Mastery start?
The programme starts in mid July. All trainings are hosted on an online training platform for you to watch & access at your convenience. All live calls are also recorded. The Programme runs for 4 months (we will take a 2 week summer vacation in August - not included in the 4 months) to start December.
As soon as you enroll you can get started – there’s an awesome orientation module, and some bonus energy clearing meditations to get you started right away so the sooner you sign up the better!
+ When are the call times?
Calls are provisionally scheduled weekly on Tuesdays at 4pm UK / 5pm Europe / 8am Pacific / 11am Eastern. All calls are recorded & replays uploaded to the Hub.