Yulia, Artist

Money Beautifully is a brilliant programme: it is literally life changing!

“Before Money Beautifully, my finances were a total mess: I could never make more than enough, every time I got some extra, I immediately had a leak, breaking home appliances or legal expenses to cover. And most importantly, I found it difficult and even awkward to charge for my artwork. 

This programme, along with the private coaching with Polly that I invested in, contributed immensely to changing my life for the better and making my future much more exciting than I ever imagined... 

Now I am actually making money from selling my artwork at last! I sold thousands of pounds of my work at my first exhibition as a new artist! 

It was so powerful I’ve signed up to the Money Beautifully journey 3 times so far!”

Yulia, Artist

Lucinda McPherson