A Business, MINDSET & Energy Mastermind

For women entrepreneurs looking to get out of overwhelm & burnout & scale their business in a joyful & feminine way

The Business, Money & Mindset Accelerator

for Women Entrepreneurs


Hanna had a $97k month, 4 x her launch revenue & did life & work in a more relaxed & fun way proving you truly can have it all.


Gul went from selling single sessions to running a 6-figure business, selling high end programmes, mindfulness workshops for top corporates and signing national athletes and celebrities as clients.


Carol quadrupled her income, transformed her approach to business & started prioritizing wellbeing & freedom. 


Sally doubled her income, signed an agent and uplevelled her self worth & confidence.


Polly reignited her passion for business, had her biggest year in 27 years & diversifying into live events and speaking. 


Natalia launched her career as an executive coach, secured a FTSE 100 client & created her dream work-life balance working 25 hours a week on her own schedule


Savannah’s training company had their biggest year in business ever & she went from overwhelm & burnout, to more balance & joy.


Melissa doubled her income, got clarity on her new direction, found new aligned ways to market herself & uplevelled her confidence as a businesswoman


Jess 10x her confidence & self worth, had her biggest income month & found her new direction as a fertility coach & expert. 


Have you reached a plateau in your business, feeling stuck or know more is possible and not sure how to get there? Maybe you even feel like things are falling apart? (p.s. that’s normal when you are on the edge of a breakthrough)

Or perhaps you just have this calling for expansion deep inside, for a greater, more abundant experience of life & you can feel your next level pulling you forwards….

Wise soul, I know how you feel:

Welcome to my world.

The waves we have ridden, the mountains climbed, the roads less travelled… it’s been quite the path, but through resilience and persistence we’ve grown into the women we were meant to be: powerful, bright souls, deeply led by their intuition, with the power to touch others in a positive way.


 My Story


I always knew there was more to life than met the eye, and what I was experiencing in the environment I grew up in. 

Somehow a part of me knew my magic, before even I knew it…and led me forwards in manifesting my dreams…

I overcame so many challenges and barriers, and harnessed my power to transform and my creative mind to create the life of my dreams and deeply fulfilling businesses that allowed me to live wildly abundant lives in ways that are totally aligned with who I am and what I love. 


What I have let go of is as important,

even more important,

than what I learned. 

Entrepreneurship has called me to grow in ways beyond what I ever imagined…. And has been a beautifully creative and fulfilling journey.

Against all odds, and my own resistance, I created a coaching & healing business that’s grossed over $1.8m to date and impacted thousands of people with life changing results.

Life expanded in big and beautiful ways, because I listened to and followed my intuition & I made the decision for it to be that way. 

I make my own wellbeing and energy my primary focus, and I operate from a place of feeling good and excited about life. I’m deeply grateful for all that I have - and I am available for more. 

My spiritual connection comes first and nourishes me from the inside out. 

I no longer choose between success and wellbeing, or success and happiness. 

I wake up each morning to the sounds of the sea, and views of turquoise ocean, palm trees and pine forest. I live in nature and my capacity to receive all the good & make magic happen in the world grows with each day.


 “Heaven on Earth is a choice you must make,

not a place you must find “


The women I work with are:

  • Creative, intelligent, passionate & driven

  • Have a big heart and a desire to make a difference in this world

  • Believe in the power of the unseen & the magic of energy & manifesting

  • Know that life isn’t all about work - they embrace fun, joy and have an inner curiosity about life & a desire to explore their inner & outer worlds.

  • Are visionary - in how they see the world and what they’re here to contribute


What is


Thrive Beautifully is a small group 12 month Online Group Coaching, Business Coaching & Self Development Programme for Women Entrepreneurs who are ready to rise, make more money and make more of an impact in the world.

Get clarity on your message, your offerings, your marketing & how to share your message with more people, attract more ideal clients & make more money.

Be held accountable & have the support to take massive action, launch new ideas and breaking through old limitations.

Instead of trying to figure it all out on your own, receive high level support & guidance from a powerful mentor coach & healer, and take the journey with a wonderful community of inspiring, like-minded women.


2 Day Live Online Event

2 Day Live online retreat october 2025

included with membership - worth over £2500

A fun, exciting, powerful & transformational 2 Day Live Online Retreat with guided clearings, coaching, transformational exercises & future visioning to clear your blocks, uplevel your energy & increase your abundance.

Activate your magic & experience powerful breakthroughs & connection with your Thrive Beautifully sisters from all over the world. Experience the power of high vibration energy when we gather together as a collective and create this dedicated space to elevate and transform.

One member made half her annual income in the month following the online retreat, this space is that powerful.

2 days of beautiful deep healing, breakthroughs and activating your magic, all from the comfort of you own home, so that you leave our time together ignited, ready to play & do life at a whole new level.


An inspiring, powerful & transformational event and yours included with your Thrive Beautifully membership!


WHAT THEY SAID ABOUT The Thrive Beautifully

Live Online Retreat Experience…


“Wow. Since joining Thrive Beautifully, I can say my life changed really drastically. It really really helped me to tune into & understand what I’m capable of, and package it more beautifully.”


 Is this you? 

You are passionate about making a difference in the world with your creative or spiritual gifts (and you probably have both!)


You are ready for more money and more abundance in every area of your life & to play a bigger game in life & work.


You already know you are here to help make a difference in the world, and you’re ready to scale it and impact the world in a bigger way. 


“Polly will lead you through the process of clearing your subconscious fears & resistance with kindness, humour and full faith in your ability to be great.”

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 A Transformative Energy Healing Journey

The secret sauce to the incredible business results!

This is the part that gets Thrive members the incredible results you see here…. results like their first $100,000 month, going from zero to 5 figure months in 6-12 months, doubling their income & getting laser clear on their offerings and message.

Here’s the Magic part that other business masterminds don’t have…

A powerful & effective mindset & energy healing journey hosted within Thrive to provide a safe and supportive container to heal your traumas & wounds & transform limiting beliefs. We go into past lives, birth, childhood, adult life and blocks around expansion, success, money & having it all.

Let go of old limiting beliefs and create a new powerful success mindset. We spend one month on each topic going deep over multiple sessions - including money mindset, visibility, time, self worth, confidence, sales, fear of failure, co-creating with the Universe/God, fear of success & many more.

This is supported by a Programme of powerful Personal Development Modules including Self Worth & Self Esteem, Creating Personal & Professional Boundaries, People Pleasing, Comparing Yourself to Others, Self Healing & much more.





Meet Hanna…

A €97,000 month & more than quadrupled her launch revenue

Before: “Before signing up for Thrive I felt comfortable where I was at, but still had the desire to expand my business more, however I did not know where to start or which strategy would work best for me. I knew that Polly's skills concerning business strategy combined with the deep energy work are very powerful, so I decided to sign up.”

3 months into her Thrive journey: Hanna more than doubled her launch revenue and hit her first €50,000+ month….completely exceeding her expectations & doing it in a more relaxed way than ever before. She created a return of her investment in Thrive just 9 weeks into the Programme

6 months into her Thrive journey: Hanna crossed a landmark - her first six figure month USD at $103,000+ … She did this by helping more women than ever before, whilst experiencing more freedom, ease & joy in her own life.

She says “Polly supported me in designing the strategic concept for my upcoming launch. We added doing a challenge instead of only a webinar and made a few changes to the existing process. In addition to that, the deep energy work with Polly around self confidence, delegation and money mindset were the secret weapons to a super successful launch. My first 6 figure launch was actually the easiest launch so far for me: it felt so much more relaxed and I had so much more time. We really can have it all: success, time and freedom!”

Hanna SACHER, Physiotherapist for Facial Training


Meet Sally…

“I doubled my income and signed an agent”

“When I joined Thrive, I made a scary investment. An investment in myself. This was an alien concept that cut against the grain of a lifetime of programming to stay small and avoid risks that challenged my means. But my means had stagnated. I was struggling. I knew I had talent and did good work, but it was not reflected in a paycheck. The financial setback of gradually losing the support of a spouse who became ill had put me in a precarious position. I needed to do something. I was lost in a sea of ideas of what to do but did not have the clarity of vision to create a solid plan. In a sense, I was starting over.

There was a lot to unpack, but I slowly gained footing with the help of the business and money management tools in the program. By the end of my time in the program, my income had doubled. New opportunities started to trickle in, and the flow increased as I worked through the intangibles in the program: clearing old patterns, regaining confidence in myself, working with a family mindset of scarcity, and appreciating my worth after decades of feeling “less than.”  

I began attracting higher paying freelance work, signed with a literary agent, and was hired as a photographer for a book. The work keeps coming in and my vision of what is possible for me has widened way beyond my expectations. 

None of this would have been possible without the guidance of Polly and the support of my Thrive sisters. Week after week, I was held accountable to my goals. I was able to flow with the ever-changing scope of those goals, going from thinking small to realizing the world is a big place and I can have a bigger chunk of it.

Working with Polly has been a dream come true. Her kindness, her sincere and loving support, her ability to grasp the crux of a problem, whether in business or in deeper mindset issues, have guided me and brought me to an entirely new and expansive level both personally and professionally.

I admit, I was in a dire place and very fearful about investing anything in myself. I took the plunge and will never regret it because the rewards were simply life changing. I cannot state strongly enough how much this program has helped me and set me on a positive, hopeful, and abundant new path.”

Sally Pasley Vargas, Writer, Photographer & Author


Meet Carol…

Quadrupled her income while prioritising her wellbeing and freedom

“When I initially enrolled in Thrive, I predominantly operated from a masculine standpoint and struggled to sustain my high-quality design work for clients while implementing new strategies and products to expand my design business in alignment with my vision. Despite my love for my work, I was on the verge of burnout.

However, since becoming a part of Thrive, I've transformed my approach: I've grown my team, made daily joy a priority, and achieved a harmonious work-life balance. I've elevated my pricing, revamped my product offerings, and heightened my social media presence.

Polly's unique blend of strategy, energy, and intuitive insights during our sessions has been invaluable. The camaraderie within the group feels like a gathering of soul sisters, fostering immense encouragement among us. If you're contemplating joining Thrive and find yourself on the fence, I wholeheartedly encourage you to take the leap and GO FOR IT!”

Carol Hampshire, Brand & Web Designer & Strategist


Meet Gül…

From Selling $120 Healing Sessions to a six figure business

Before: From Pain to Purpose – Gul took her own self-healing journey to move past her struggles, then realised it was her passion to bring this work to others. Confused about how to create a business & looking for guidance.

After: Launched her first high-end coaching/healing program and hit her first 5 figure month. Now running a six figure business as a healer, working with celebrity clients, hosting corporate mindfulness workshops & launched her first group program.

“I can say after working with Polly, I got a clear return and the money paid was absolutely worth it, without a doubt! I got every penny back from my investment & then some! It helped me to grow my main passion into a healthy business; it helped me to understand my barriers and gave me guidance on how to tackle them one by one.

I like working with Polly because she is very clear on what to expect, how to get the maximum benefit from the program, and she is constantly working on raising the quality and effectiveness.

I am so grateful that I joined this program! I am in a very different place compared to 1 year ago and the investment I paid is simply not an issue anymore!”

Gul SOMNEZ, Intuitive Energy Healer


Meet Melissa…

more than doubled her income during thrive

“Joining Thrive was one of the best life decisions I have ever made.

The journey with Polly was truly transformative, and sharing this with other women on the same path was inspirational. 

I went from a running a single-therapy business that I felt couldn't grow any further, to launching a whole new business and healing programme that has enabled me to support my clients in even greater ways. 

The impact on my existing business and my income has been phenomenal - I more than doubled my income during my time in Thrive and this continues to grow. I have a confidence and positivity about my life, my skills as a health practitioner and as a business woman that I never dreamed possible.”

Melissa AYRES, Healer & Homeopath


Meet Jess…

My confidence and self worth has increased ten-fold

“I was less than 3 months postpartum when I decided to work with Polly. Even though I was going through a huge life transition, I had a voice telling me to take a leap of faith and to finally commit and invest in my business. I had been unsatisfied in the line of work I was in for some time and I had wanted to pivot in my career but was unsure which direction to go in.  

During the past year of working with Polly, I have achieved more than I could have dreamed for. Polly helped me realise what I was really passionate about and in a relatively short space of time, I pivoted my business to focusing on helping women optimise their fertility.

I launched a new brand and website, new marketing, and I raised my rates significantly. I used Polly’s energy clearings daily to help raise my vibration and improve my money mindset to realise my true value; I signed 4 clients on my 3-month package and had my biggest income month since coming back from maternity leave. I have learnt how to consistently show up on social media with joy instead of the dread I used to feel & I started getting booked as a guest on podcasts.

Since gaining so much clarity on my new business direction, my confidence and self worth has increased ten-fold. I am a more resilient, grounded and positive person. I actually have a new passion and joy for my business which is so refreshing after years of feeling directionless and a little hopeless at times. 

Working with Polly felt incredibly supportive, joyful and empowering. When I had moments of self doubt, fear and uncertainty, Polly would guide me to a place of strength, faith and stability. Working with Polly each week was honestly my highlight of the week - it helped me to anchor and stay focused and I always felt more connected and motivated after our sessions.

I am so so glad I listened to my inner voice telling me to take the leap of faith and sign up to working with Polly in Thrive. It has provided me with the education I was looking for along with more clarity, confidence and incredible life-long connections with other successful businesswomen - all of this I have been searching for for years.”

Jess Kasriel, Fertility Expert, Health Coach & Nutritionist


Meet Savannah…

From burnout & overwhelm to uplevelling the business & more balance & joy

“When I started working with Polly, I was in a place of burnout, scarcity, danger, stalemate, and overwhelm in our business.

Since joining Thrive Beautifully, we have raised our prices, expanded our team, upleveled our website and systems & started producing author interviews. We now have a larger social media presence, have updated branding to refocus on how we can help our profession, created new offerings that increase value for our customers, increased our newsletter list through a new lead magnet, and much more! 

My self-worth has improved, I have integrated more joy into daily life, and I have created more structures for my daily and weekly schedules. 

Personally, I am better able to manage procrastination on tasks that might not be my favorite, improved our teamwork & I am upholding better boundaries around work, operating with more balance between feminine and masculine energies in the workplace and feeling more abundant and content.

I feel like Thrive offers such a beautiful blend between traditional business structures with informative modules that are sure to uplevel anyone's business, but also the critical pieces of energy clearing around things that could be holding you back, cultivating connection and guidance with Spirit, and support operating from a more feminine place.  Polly also provides incredible resources and support when challenging times come up. 

Thrive Beautifully is also an incredible space because of the lovely women also in the group that cheer each other on and provide encouragement or suggestions. These kindred spirits are such a gift.”

Savannah Helm, Helm Publishing


Meet Natalia…

Launched her career as an executive coach & secured a FTSE 100 Client

“Before I joined Thrive Beautifully I had a yoga business and my income ceiling was at about 2k,I just couldn’t cross it. I wanted to pivot my business towards executive coaching but was unsure about the messaging, how to reach and convert my audience. I felt unsure about pricing my services and fearful that prospective clients would choose someone else over me. I was always chasing my next client and unsure where the next client would come from.

In my private and professional life I was always doing too much for others and kept over-delivering. This often left me feeling depleted and exhausted.

During my work with Polly I secured my first executive coaching client, then the next one..and the next one. I raised my prices twice during the course of Thrive and published my website. I also got my first speaking engagement and launched my high-end executive coaching programme. I really achieved so much in Thrive that I would have never achieved on my own in a year! I also greatly benefited from the wisdom and support of other women entrepreneurs, their successes and challenges - the strength of this support network is truly amazing! 

During my year in Thrive I really upgraded my beliefs around money, self-worth and self-love. The deep healing work that we do with Polly is transformational and has a direct impact on your life and your business as you let go of old conditioning and limiting beliefs.

Polly has an amazing ability to balance deep healing work with solid business insight and expertise. She is truly one of a kind. Organised, professional, with an amazing eye-for-detail, she is also kind and creative.  I benchmark all other Master Coaches against Polly - I think that says it all! I felt both supported and respectfully challenged working by Polly: such a rare combination!

Now, 6 months after graduating from Thrive, I have regular 5k -10k months, regular (paid!) speaking engagements and a FTSE 100 company as a client. And these are my results whilst mothering a 6-year old and working around 25 hours a week on my own schedule - this work and life balance is truly my dream success!”

Natalia Mank, Executive Coach






Be supported in the mindset transformation you need to reach your goals and birth your next level. Overcome procrastination, fear, self doubt, resistance, confusion and comparison. There’s a wealth of support here in Thrive to create your most empowered mindset and confidence. Witness your self worth and self belief grow exponentially as you release old programming and allow your highest self to emerge.

Fun and joy along the journey is mandatory in Thrive and you will be encouraged to connect with and say Yes to your biggest desires, be it world travel, a dream second home or taking a month off work. It all happens here.


Energy is everything and it’s a big deal here in Thrive. The weekly deep powerful energy clearings are what makes the program so much more effective than a business course or regular mastermind. Each month we focus on a different theme – for example time, self worth or fear. The energy work I lead is critical to enabling members to release a lot of fear and limiting beliefs and move forwards with more ease, and create tangible results. This is nurturing, gentle work, yet deeply transformative. Release limiting beliefs from your childhood, family, society and even past lives & elevate your frequency so you start attracting on a whole new level.


You’re here to make more money, experience more abundance, scale your business and impact more people with your gifts. As well as weekly support & mentoring on the live calls, Thrive Beautifully members will also enjoy access to an extensive Hub of marketing, business & self development trainings to support their business & personal growth & expansion. There is no one formula for success prescribed in Thrive – instead a portfolio of possibilities and with my support, you will decide the right strategy for you. Many members are multi passionate, with different online and offline aspects to their business, and multiple revenue streams.


“I love the consistent guidance from Polly every week around business decisions & the super powerful clearings!”


meet your coach

Polly Alexandre

Polly Alexandre overcame decades of self-limiting beliefs and negative patterns about money, to live the life she was always meant to live. After travelling the world as a digital nomad, Polly is currently based in Ibiza, helping purpose-driven women like you manifest the resources they need and desire, in order to live the life they’ve always dreamed of - and to give their greatest gifts to the world.

Polly is a certified Master Coach, an Intuitive Energy Healer & holds a BA (Hons) in Psychology. She blends her extensive transformational coaching & intuitive healing experience, with a background in advertising, fashion & photography, and 20+ years experience as an entrepreneur.

Students flock to her for her effervescent inspiration, her compassionate presence, and her super-power intuitive skills. She instantly tunes in through the noise to pinpoint the core of your issues - in ways other practitioners never have.


When you take the Thrive Beautifully journey
you are stepping into a world where:

You double your income or even more, without working more

You break through to a new level of visibility

You start living and creating in new and exciting ways

You claim more freedom and more fun & joy

You let go of old ways of doing things

You leverage your time & expertise 

You step into being a leader and an expert in your field

You gracefully birth the new, more empowered version of you


 what awaits you inside


3 x live Sessions with polly each month

Your chance to get 1:1 hot seat support from Polly, ask your specific questions & receive high level personalised coaching, business advice, mentoring, mindset transformation and deep healing.

Wednesdays at 7am PST, 10am EST, 3pm UK, 4pm Europe (all calls are recorded). Calls take place the first 3 weeks of the month.




A powerful & effective mindset & energy healing journey hosted within Thrive to provide a safe and supportive container to heal your traumas & wounds & transform limiting beliefs. We go back to your subconscious mind, to childhood & to your ancestral patterns to transform blocks around expansion, success, self worth, money, freedom, joy & having it all.

Let go of old limiting beliefs and create a new powerful success mindset. We spend 1 month going deep over multiple sessions on each topic. Topics include money mindset, visibility, time, self worth, confidence, sales, co-creating with the Universe/God, expansion and joy.

This is supported by a Programme of powerful Personal Development Modules including Growing Your Self Worth, Creating Personal & Professional Boundaries, People Pleasing, Self Healing, Intuitive Business Planning & much more.





Connect from wherever you are in the world, with Polly your mentor and your Thrive sisters in this amazing in person retreat.

In October 2024 the theme for this 2 Day Live Retreat in October 2024 is “Bringing in the Magic” & the focus is on activating your unique magic and supporting you to move through the world & do business in a more magnetic way. There will be guided energy work coaching, transformational exercises, special guests & future visioning to clear your blocks, uplevel your energy & increase your abundance.

One attendee signed a third of her annual income for the following year right after this powerful annual retreat!

There are local accommodation options available at all price points & I highly recommend extending your stay over the weekend to enjoy this magical island.

This event will raise your vibration, reconnect you to your dreams and vision, and provide an opportunity to transform your energy and mindset. See what Thrive members have to say about the online retreat below!

VALUE £2500



the business journey

Access to a comprehensive Online Instant Access Hub of 25+ in-depth video teaching modules covering a step by step process to creating, marketing and growing your business to multiple six figures PLUS valuable extra resources including Guest Expert Trainings for the duration of your membership.

Topics covered include Intuitive Business Planning, Getting Clear on your Message, Creating a Successful Online Programme (12 part course), How to Elevate your Sales with Automation, Creating Your 1:1 Programme, Attracting Clients, Organic List Building, Creating a Successful Live Event, Powerful Discovery Calls & Enrolling Clients, Hiring & Onboarding a VA & Team, Time Management, How to Start a Podcast, How to get Booked on Podcasts, Running Successful Webinars, Successful Summits, How to Secure PR for your Business & much, much more. Choose the specific trainings that your business needs the most to go to your next level & polish up your existing skillset.

I share my 20 years of entrepreneurial experience of creating & growing two successful 6 figure + businesses in the creative & personal development sectors, all whilst living an amazing lifestyle, enjoying great health and freedom & fulfilling my wildest dreams.



DAILY Access to Accountability, Support & Community in the Thrive beautifully FB community

Get your questions answered, receive support from a community of soulful, wise women & be held accountable to action in the private Thrive Beautifully Community.



Video Testimonials


Healing & Mindset Transformation

Topics include:



time & building team

Sales Mindset


Money Mindset

overcoming Fear


healing old wounds


“The support from the group has been amazing. Although we have diverse businesses, we have many things in common, and I have found that support essential. You don't have to do it all alone!”

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the Investment

Pay in Full

£13,995 (best value)


Payment Plan

£4k deposit +12 monthly payments of £995


apply for a discovery call below for the next intake

By Application Only


Book your interview with Polly where you will explore what’s possible for you & your business with the Thrive Beautifully Accelerator Program. I will help you decide if it’s the right fit for you, as well as answering any questions you may have.

Your membership runs for 12 months.

If you cannot find a suitable time for an interview on the link below, please email us at support@pollyalexandre.com


Pay in full and you will receive...



Pay in Full Clients Receive 3 Additional Deep Dive 1:1 Sessions with Polly

Value $3,750


 Apply HERE to find out more about

Thrive Beautifully

…I look forward to exploring if this is the right fit for yoU


 Frequently asked


  • The next intake will start from January 2025

  • If you are not sure if it’s the right level for you, or the right fit, please apply with the link at the bottom of the page, and let’s explore that. If it’s not Thrive, I will recommend what could the best route forwards for you.

    There is a great variety of ages & different businesses in Thrive and whilst it is not for brand new entrepreneurs, there can be exceptions if you are transitioning into a new path from another business, coming back after a career break or are experienced in your field. We have had a wide variety of spiritual and creative business owners in the group including all kinds of healers, coaches, wellbeing practitioners, yoga teachers, nutritionists, homeopaths, photographers & more.

  • The material is there to support you to choose the areas you want to expand and gain more knowledge in.

    You are not required or expected to need it all, or do it all. See it as an amazing library you can dip into when you desire.

  • It is strongly encouraged that you make a commitment to being there on the Wednesday calls with Polly as often as possible. Replays are available within 24 hours if you can’t make it live.

    Thrive is a 12 Month Mastermind to give you spaciousness for real life to play out within the container - like holidays, personal events and health journeys.

    You do not need to attend all the calls or do all the material to receive value and epic transformation.

    This is not a course where we hold your hand or you have to complete every lesson to get your results.

    This is a vortex of transformation where your energy will be shifted just by being part of it, and you get to take full responsibility for your results in how you choose to show up for it.