Ep. 29: "How to Take Time off without Feeling Guilty"

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When you think about taking a holiday, maybe you find some of these thoughts coming up? 

  • I can’t afford to take time off 

  • I am too much on right now to take a break 

  • I can’t afford to go away on holiday 

  • Feel the fear rising about missing out on an enquiry or client 

When the guilt comes up and you feel fear or undeserving of time off or stopping, acknowledge this, and breath through it. These are very normal feelings especially for women, who have for thousands of years been trained to give to others, not to ourselves.  

Not only are we natural nurtures and caregivers, but for centuries we have been programmed to put others first. This can be a real challenge when it comes to taking time off, especially when you run your own business and are passionate about what you do. 

This episode is for you if: 

  • You feel guilty taking time out of the business 

  • You want to learn how to have the best holiday without even leaving your home  

  • You always put others first and your own needs come last (clients or family) 

I will be sharing my tips for taking a guilt-free holiday and how to be intentional about your time off so that it re-fills your tank fully & completely.  

Let me know if you enjoyed this episode – you can DM me your thoughts on Instagram @polly_alexandre

With Love & Abundance,


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