Ep. 3: “Why It's OK To Slow Down”

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It’s okay to slow down; in fact, it can be life-changing, as I found out recently! 

This episode about slowing down is very near and dear to my heart. What I talk about in this episode actually resulted in a big money month for me in my business…. but today you’ll hear my thinking behind why I decided to slow down and rest, and the mindset I created to be able to do this without guilt & fear.  

There’s a real magic in stillness and silence, and it's when we stop and when we create space, that we can really hear the voices of the divine come through. This is when we can access that feminine, wise, intuitive part of ourselves.  

The energy we put out into the world directly affects the energy we receive back, in the form of clients money, appreciation, recognition and results.  

So when the energy we're putting out isn't fully in alignment, is not inspired, positive, energised, vibrant, when it's coming from a place of fear or guilt or obligation, it simply doesn't yield the same results. 

As women entrepreneurs we can push ourselves very, very hard & we are high achievers. We push ourselves forwards blindly, sometimes ignoring our health, our energy, our well-being, or even our true desires. 

So it’s time we learned to slow down and rest, and that it can be in service to our moving forwards in business too.  

In this episode you will learn: 

  • How to recognise when it’s time to slow down and the importance of slowing down and sitting in silence

  • Why you need to pay attention to where your energy is at 

  • The power of taking time to integrate the past year/month/week and the powerful questions you need to ask yourself about the last year

  • The 4 beliefs you need to cultivate in order to slow down without guilt & fear

I would love you to come join in the conversation about abundance with me on Instagram.

With Love & Abundance,


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