Ep. 50: How I Manifest Buying my Dream Home

At the start of 2020 I took a huge leap of faith and set out to manifest buying my dream home on the magical island of Ibiza.

What would follow was a series of huge risks, giant leaps of faith and a trust and surrender that somehow, some way, this would happen in the highest and best way for me.

I even moved into a hotel before anything was signed, placing my ultimate trust in the Universe to take care of the outcome.

Come behind the scenes and find out how I manifested my dream home (complete with tons of rainbows) and learn what it really takes to pull off a dream home miracle.

Packed full of advice, approaches and ways of being that will inspire you, this episode was so much fun to record, and I hope you enjoy listening to it as much as I did creating it.

If you enjoyed this episode, check out:

Episode 27 – How I Manifest my Dream Second Home in Ibiza

Episode 31 – From Losing it All to Starting Over – Manifesting the New Home of my Dreams

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