Ep. 91: Taking Risks to Reap Rewards
I’m just back from Colombia in South America where I spent 2.5 weeks on holiday to start the year. It was an enlightening, nourishing, joyful, peaceful and fun trip…..and making it happen was a risk.
I took a risk that might not have paid off.
The truth is, every great thing I have done from buying my dream home in Ibiza, to leaving corporate and starting my own business, to changing career from being a photographer to a coach, every single one involved me being willing to step into the unknown and potentially face losing something: be it money, face, self esteem, safety, comfort, security, reputation..
There was always a potential price to pay.
There was always a risk it wouldn’t work out
There was always a risk there could have been a better decision.
We don’t grow in our comfort zone.
We don’t experience our true potential in our comfort zone
We don’t experience epic wealth, epic freedom, epic joy whilst keeping things the same, whilst staying in our comfort zone.
In today’s episode I share 5 shifts you can make to take bigger risks
So, what do you choose?
Safe and comfortable…… or a life of possibilities, exploration, expansion and magic?
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