Ep. 99: Healing the Pattern of Self Sabotage: a Real Life Client Session

Today for the first time ever, I am sharing a real-life client session with you where we work on blocks to growth & moving forwards, and patterns of unconscious self sabotage.

  • You feel like things coming easily is too good to be true?

  • Do you feel like you have to endure hardship to get to what you want?

  • Are you unconsciously trying to earn the good because deep down you feel you don’t deserve it?

My client spotted the pattern of punishing herself by manifesting accidents after creating successes, which told me on some level there was issues around deserving the good, success and ease.

When we feel we don’t deserve something we have manifested, we either have to get rid of it (like manifesting the car breaking down after receiving a bonus, so the money goes to cover the expense), or we have to do something to “earn it” or become deserving of it – for example overwork, prove ourselves or justify it.

Using my intuitive abilities, I look at what the limiting beliefs and patterns are playing out for my client, and we dive into healing them, creating a miraculous turnaround in a single session.

Topics Covered:

  • The deeper reasons why it can be a struggle getting what you want

  • Obstacles coming up when you try to move forwards

  • Feeling guilty about having it too good

  • Past life experiences playing out in this life

  • Feeling guilty doing better than others (especially your family/ancestors)

You will love this fascinating & powerful episode. It’s a deep dive into the way that family lineage, society conditioning and past lives can impact out present day reality.

As you listen to this session, you too can receive the energetic shifts, and breakthroughs around this topic.

Remember it didn’t start with you.

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