Ep. 83: The Power of Celebrating

Celebration is like an active expression of gratitude.

In any given moment you have the opportunity to acknowledge all the good in your life.

You have the opportunity to acknowledge yourself and what you are proud of.

You have the ability to recognise your successes and all of the abundance already present in your life.

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Ep. 80: The Creative Life - from Bollywood to Book Writing with Mireille Parker

Mireille Parker is an Indian Australian author from Fremantle, West Australia, who has devoted herself to writing for the past 15 years.

I think you will love today’s interview; if there’s a book inside you waiting to come out, it’s packed full of advice for actually getting on & writing it. If you are a lover of the process of manifestation, you will get to hear some amazing stories, and feel inspired to co-create with the Universe. And if your creative juices need re-awakening this is also the episode for you.

Mireille was an English as a Second Language teacher for 18 years and a life coach for two, but quit both due to metastatic breast cancer and brain surgery.

Mireille’s passions are many: she’s a writer, a wonderer, an art maker, coffee lover and a personal development & manifestation expert. She has also been a hip hop dancer in New York and a Bollywood dancer in Switzerland. Writing, however is the greatest love of her life.

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Ep. 79: The Power of Joy

The truth is there are always problems and challenges as part of life’s journey: non ideal circumstances, unresolved issues, and works in progress.

So when do we get to be happy?

Well this is a good question and I have a simple answer for you: NOW.

Right now.

Happiness is a choice.

Joy is a choice.

Abundance is a choice.

A feeling of plenty is a choice.

And because it’s a choice it’s something you can choose right now.

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Ep. 78: Journal Your Way to More Abundance

When I discovered Julia Cameron, author of The Artists Way, speaking at the Mind, Body, Spirit Festival in London, I was entranced.

I immediately bought myself a copy of her book and for an entire year I religiously sat down each morning and wrote 3 pages of stream of consciousness writing.

Now journaling is an essential tool in my life & work, and all my best ideas started in my journal. Today I share some of the journaling practices I do to manifest more abundance into my life and business.

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Ep. 76: A Message from the Sacred Site of Hera, Goddess of Women

Hera is the Greek Goddess of Women: of marriage, fertility & childbirth.

I had an unexpected but divinely guided visit to the Temple of Heraion, in Samos, Greece, on my recent holiday and received some profound wisdom I will share here with you today.

In today’s episode I share:

  • How I ended up unplanned at a sacred site and received a powerful transmission

  • My experience energetically as I spent time at this location

  • What Hera and the guides on the site want to share

Today I share a message I channelled from this sacred site with you.

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Ep. 75: Why Gentle Transitions are a Good Thing

Welcome to Season 2 of The Feminine Millionaire Show!

After a summer break we are back and can’t wait to bring you more thought-provoking episodes & soulful conversations with amazing guests.

As the summer holidays draw to a close, today I kick off with the power of gently transitioning into different stages of work and life. Of course, it’s not always possible; sometimes life catapults us into a whole new stage of life without warning, and we adapt as we go, but much of the time we are responsible for how we experience life.

Today I share how I gently transitioned from holiday time back into work, why I did this and the benefits of treating your nervous system with care and gently switching gears for a change.

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Polly AlexandreComment
Ep. 74: From Healing Herself to Healing Others: Six Figure Success with Gul Sonmez

In today’s episode I interview Gül Sönmez, an Intuitive Healer, Transformational Coach and Mindfulness Trainer, internationally renowned for her ability to channel people’s past traumas and buried memories so they can overcome anxieties, self-doubt, and stressors in order to live aligned, purposeful lives.

Today I interview Gül about how this journey all started and her unexpected (& painful) journey into healing, how this became her mission in the world, and what she has learned along the way.

There’s lots of laughter, lots of inspiration & lots of wisdom in today’s episode, and I know you will love it!

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Ep. 73: 3 Things Successful Women are Doing Well

Studying how successful people operate is a great way to understand what new habits, beliefs, and ways of operating you could also adopt to become more successful.

I spent some time reflecting this week on what I see in my own clients and my life, and I’m sharing 3 things that can change the needle on where you are at.

Enjoy listening to today’s short but powerful episode!

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Ep. 72: How To Manifest Your Dream Summer Holiday

Summer is in full flow!

It’s that time of year when most of the world is going on holiday…. and the truth is I had a secret desire to go away too, but I dismissed it as unnecessary, too expensive, and impractical.

The topic took me into a deep dive into worthiness (once again) and owning my desires.

So often as women we dismiss our desires & focus only on our needs, and in the process unconsciously deny ourselves the fullest, most joyful experience of life.

I dive into how to create the mindset and then how to manifest your dream holiday on today’s fun episode.

Enjoy listening….and have a great holiday this summer!

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Ep. 71: Never Lose Hope

Hope is one of the most important qualities to survive as a human.

No matter the challenges, if we have hope, we have the energy, the motivation & the resilience to carry on.

If we have a destination, a North star we are headed towards, we have the possibility of a better future. We have a light to lead us through the darkness.

Today I dive into the power of having hope and how you can stay in hope vs fear.

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Ep. 70: From €130 an hour to a €97,000 month, helping women look younger without Botox, with Hanna Sacher

Hanna Sacher is an Austria based physiotherapist that runs a 3-Step Facelift Formula Programme Facial Exercises Program – helping women to look younger naturally.

With the support of Thrive Beautifully, Hannah has quadrupled her revenue from her online course. In today’s inspiring episode she explains how she did this and shares her journey from charging €130 an hour for a single session to a business model where she can serve hundreds of women, make an even bigger impact & scale her income at the same time.

Learn the limiting beliefs Hanna overcame to create exponential growth, get behind the scenes of a successful launch, and we talk about what it looks like to claim & experience, epic freedom & epic abundance in your life at the same time.

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Ep. 69: How to Feel More Abundant Right Now

One of my most favourite topics…. Abundance!

Today’s a quick and juicy episode including:

  • How internal wealth is available to you right now

  • How feeling abundant attracts more abundance

  • The specific things I do to feel richer than I am (and how the world mirrors that back!)

Plus, I share a funny story about a Tinder date that gave me an eye-opening awareness!

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Ep. 68: 5 Reasons Why you May be Unconsciously Repelling Money & Good Things

No-one would consciously repel money right?

Money is an energy and we all desire more energy…we all desire energy to create with, to have experiences, to travel, explore the world, to pursue our passions and interests, to support provide for and treat our loved ones, to support good health…

So why on Earth would we choose to repel money?

Because it makes us feel unsafe or uncomfortable to receive it, on some level.

The idea of having more money triggers discomfort in our nervous system, in out body and subconscious mind.

Quite simply, it’s a threat.

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Ep. 67: Why I Take off the Last Week of Every Month

The last week of every month I designate as “slow week”. This means that I don’t book clients or group sessions in my schedule and the goal is to keep my diary free of fixed work commitments and with an epic amount of space, time and freedom!

Instead of giving to others, I make it a time for planning, writing, creating, being and enjoying my personal freedom.

This week I invite you to be inspired by the idea of a slow week and see where you might invite in some unplanned time into your business & life.

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Ep. 66: A 7 Minute Prayer & Meditation for Success

Set a powerful intention for success, with this short prayer and meditation.

Together we start with a powerful prayer of gratitude for all the good already present in our lives, then we ask for all the parts of us no longer in alignment with who we are becoming to be released.

Then we bring in optimism and positivity & reconnect to a sense of hope & possibility, faith & trust.

We finish up by visualizing more success, time, wealth, and love in your life.

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Ep. 65: 3 Things Teddy Pom Pom has Taught Me about Life

One of the greatest joys in my life is my sweet little Pomeranian dog, Teddy Pom Pom.

To celebrate his 5th birthday, I bring you this special episode about how TPP came into my life, and 3 things he has taught me.

But really this is a story about acknowledging your heart's deepest desires, it’s a story about making the impossible possible. It's a story about blasting through your own beliefs and allowing yourself to have what you really want.

And ultimately, it's a story about love.

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