Ep. 63: Are You Leading with Your Masculine or Feminine Energy?

There are 2 incredibly powerful energies that are available to you, and they are equally powerful: your feminine or yin energy and your masculine or yang energy.

But how do you know when you are operating from one more than the other?

In today’s episode I share 3 ways to tell if – and when - you are coming from your masculine more than your feminine in your day-to-day life.

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Ep. 62: How to Stop Putting Things Off

Ah, the beast of procrastination! We all experience it especially when it comes to up-levelling.

The subconscious mind will do anything to keep you safe from perceived danger, discomfort or change.

So how do we overcome the pattern of putting things off?

Today I share my story and 3 key ways to get unstuck and get back in motion.

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Ep. 61: 3 Things I am Doing to Go to my Next Level

I truly believe we all rise together.

In today’s episode I will be sharing several of the strategic moves I am making to go to my own next level, which align with the philosophies I lead by and teach in my Mastermind.

With any next income level comes a new mindset, a new way of being, new actions – and I strongly recommend more fun!

Enjoy today’s episode!

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Ep. 60: Immerse Yourself in the Field of Abundance

When you are seeking to create more abundance in your life, I recommend a multi faceted approach – you want to look at 3 things:

- Upleveling your energy

- Upleveling your mindset and letting go of the old beliefs that aren’t in alignment with the new more abundant you

- Upleveling your business strategy and actions

Little by little by adjusting these 3 different components you will start to experience shifts.

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Ep. 58: The Importance of Going Out into the World

How often do you get out from behind your laptop and into the world? If you are an online entrepreneur or spend your days working at a desk behind a computer, probably not enough…

The importance of taking our energy out into the world was brought home to me this past week, whilst on holiday in Ibiza.

Join me this week in diving into the joyful opportunities that lie in store for us all when we shine our light out into the world in person.

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Ep. 56: Money is an Infinite Resource

“Money is an infinite resource” - what do you think when you hear that?

Maybe this statement is the opposite of what you are feeling and experiencing right now in your life… or maybe you’re comfortable but a long way off feeling infinite abundance…

So how do we know that money is an infinite resource even when we can’t see it in our own lives?

I’ll dive into that in today’s episode along with 6 ways to get more into the mindset that money is an infinite resource.

Today’s episode will help you adopt a more expansive and abundant mindset around money and show you how to get back there when you slip into fear and scarcity.

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Ep. 55: The Power of Doing Nothing + Visualisation

Just recently I’ve been experimenting, leaning in to doing NOTHING more often.

In manifesting terms this is known as surrendering and letting go.


Less effort, trying, pushing, striving, action taking.

More being, receiving, allowing.

Yes please Universe!

So if you want to feel good more easily and more often today’s episode is for you.

I include a short, powerful, 5 minute guided meditation to allow the Universal Energy to help you bring in something you are manifesting.

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Ep. 54: 5 Ways to Navigate World Trauma as a Sensitive Empath

Today’s episode is in response to the war currently unfolding in the Ukraine.

As a sensitive empath we can be deeply triggered by traumatic world events and the suffering of others. We can feel deep sadness, helplessness, and anger.

Your sensitivity is a gift, and it’s a gift that needs to be cared for and treated tenderly. You will be more affected by pain and suffering than others so learning to navigate world traumas in essential.

May we all hold love and compassion in our heart and send peace, safety and love to everyone in the Ukraine.

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Polly AlexandreComment
Ep. 53: The Celebration Episode

Today we are celebrating! It’s the 1st Anniversary of The Feminine Millionaire Show and Episode 53!

Today I explore different ways to celebrate your successes and share why it’s so important.

Thank you for being with me on this journey. I make this show for you and I appreciate your presence, appreciation and reviews.

Celebrating us being on this journey of life.

We all rise together.

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Ep. 50: How I Manifest Buying my Dream Home

Come behind the scenes and find out how I manifest my dream home (complete with rainbows) and learn what it really takes to pull off a dream home miracle.

Packed full of advice, approaches and ways of being that will inspire you, this episode was so much fun to record, I hope you enjoy listening to it as much as I did creating it.

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Ep. 46: How to Plan Your Year Ahead

So today in Episode 46 I’m talking about how to plan your 2022. This episode could also be called working with both your feminine and masculine energies to plan 2022. Now the truth is you can be the driver of your life or the passenger. Which do you want to be?

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Ep. 45: How to do an End of Year Review

At this time of year, it’s the perfect opportunity to take an inventory of your life and review your past year; The challenges you’ve surmounted, the strengths you’ve developed, and the lessons you’ve learned. Join me in this week’s episode, “How to do an End of Year Review”.

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Ep. 44: Meditation for Joy

Last week I talked about how to have more joy in your business, and if you caught last week's episode, you will remember I talked about joy being a high vibration state, almost like love in action, a state that magnetises people, opportunities, money & love. So today my gift to you for Christmas is a meditation to bring in more joy.

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