Yulia, Artist

Money Beautifully is a brilliant programme: it is literally life changing!

“Before Money Beautifully, my finances were a total mess: I could never make more than enough, every time I got some extra, I immediately had a leak, breaking home appliances or legal expenses to cover. And most importantly, I found it difficult and even awkward to charge for my artwork. 

This programme, along with the private coaching with Polly that I invested in, contributed immensely to changing my life for the better and making my future much more exciting than I ever imagined... 

Now I am actually making money from selling my artwork at last! I sold thousands of pounds of my work at my first exhibition as a new artist! 

It was so powerful I’ve signed up to the Money Beautifully journey 3 times so far!”

Yulia, Artist

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Lucinda McPherson
Karina, Photographer

Through working with Polly I rediscovered my fight, my fire and my determination.

“Before working with Polly, I felt so disillusioned with my work; jobs kept falling through; I didn’t know what was going wrong and more importantly, how to turn it around. I wanted to build a business around the sort of photography that truly made my heart sing and to spend more time doing the work that I love. I was too busy being busy, without being productive...

We worked on my mindset, improving my mental strength and working through blocks that had been tripping me up without me even realising.

Through working with polly i rediscovered my fight, my fire and my determination.

Polly gave me the accountability that I needed and the kick up the backside to get the work done! She had so much advice and provided wonderful guidance, and just talked damn good sense that I really needed to hear!

I now feel like a TRUE businesswoman. That’s huge! And I now have so much confidence and pride in my work. I really can’t thank you enough Polly, for all of your support, your patience and guidance.”

Karina, Photographer

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Lucinda McPherson
Ria, Photographer & Educator

My bookings went up by 50% year on year

“My bookings went up by 50% year on year, and now, six months after completing my mentoring with Polly, I have the same number of bookings that I did this time last year but with a booked income nearly 86% higher.

On top of all this, Polly helped me take action on a new project I have been wanting to do for years. I have now a team of four working on this exciting new venture, a registered company and trademark, a fully developed website and a launch date set. It is staggering how much I have achieved in the last year, both under the guidance of Polly, and with the new mind-set and ways of being that she helped instil into me in our time together.

Polly is extremely perceptive, and she sees right to the heart of an issue.  That was the truly powerful thing about mentoring with Polly. She didn’t just help me though the specific issues I was tackling at the time, she helped me learn how to be a stronger, more confident, more efficient business person and woman.”

Ria, Photographer & Educator

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Lucinda McPherson
D'arcy, Coach & Entrepreneur

After 2 months of implementing Polly's teachings, I was able to have my first $21,000 month in my coaching business!

“Signing up for Polly's 1:1 coaching program is the biggest investment, hands down, that I have ever made in myself and in my business.

I had been thinking of working with her for over a year as I was so drawn to her approach, her calm, her boundaries, and her unapologetic attitude for living life on her own terms. These were all things I was doing in baby steps, but I knew I needed rapid growth and expansion to really press me forward.

Polly helped guide me through the structures and systems to setting up a coaching business as well as helping me identify and work through blocks I had about being seen and being consistent.

She also helped me set strong boundaries in work and in home life that have served me so completely.

After 2 months of implementing Polly's teachings, I was able to have my first $21,000 month in my coaching business! I couldn't believe it, and I was ready to go on and take on even more!

One of just the many amazing things about Polly is her ability to help you get present, celebrate yourself, and really own all the amazing things we do in our businesses every day. Each call I would come away with ideas, feeling light and peaceful, and more determined than ever to live the life of my dreams.

Thank you Polly! You helped me so much it's been hard to put into words. Our time together is one of the best decisions in supporting myself I have ever made.”

D’arcy, Coach & Entrepreneur

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Lucinda McPherson