what is true freedom for you?
Freedom – “the power or right to act, speak, or think as one wants”
Freedom is one of the core human values, and one of the things we crave most, that brings us fulfillment, happiness and a sense of self-expression.
Let me be who I am, my true authentic self is a calling deep from the soul.
For thousands of years we have been bound, restricted, silenced, controlled & restricted as people, in all manner of ways from slavery, to politics, to family ties, by the masculine structures of power, by employers, systems, religions and all kind of structures and hierarchies in society.
Now here we are as women in the 21st century and we’re at a unique time in history. Finally we can claim our freedom and become truly financially free, express our authentic spiritual & creative selves and have a voice in the world, be heard and be seen.
If you chose to incarnate at this time in history it’s for good reason.
When you take control of your life by starting your own business, and making your work your mission, you really become the driver of your life& start to claim your freedom (check out my Success Meditation and the accompanying workbook for more on this here)
To me freedom includes:
Getting up when I choose and having a leisurely start to the day filled with things that make me feel good.
Being able to live in the sunshine most of the year.
Choosing who I work with, and how I serve them.
Working with clients who take responsibility for their success and appreciate and respect my support.
Being able to be creative in my business and spend time on design, aesthetics, creating beautiful products and doing things I enjoy.
Being able to express myself & share my ideas with others.
Having systems and team to support my business & help with the tech pieces and running of the business.
Feeling energised and flexible and healthy in my body.
Choosing when and how to take holidays and breaks.
Taking my dog to the park in the middle of a weekday.
Going to a gallery on a Friday afternoon.
Being able to be in nature with epic views on a regular basis.
Choose when to speed up and accelerate my business, and when to slow down….
These are just a few of the ways I define what freedom is to me.
Chances are, your version of freedom is a bit different to mine and the best part is that you get to create it exactly the way you want!
Let’s start by tuning in…..
What is true freedom to you?
Time to spend on creative projects without a deadline?
The means and opportunity to explore the world, spend time in places that light you up?
Being able to do what you believe in for work, and speak your truth?
Being able to follow your desires, be they to climb mountains, learn to cook, knit, paint or craft?
Creating projects that impact the world and bring you joy and fulfilment?
Being able to follow your passions because you have the money and time to do so?
Not feeling dependent on your employer, your partner or your family for your income?
The freedom to spend time in places and environments that make your heart sing and bring your soul alive?
The financial means to invest in your hobbies, your passions and your calling, and education, support and mentors?
A team in your business of take care of the things you don’t enjoy & are not your strengths?
Or maybe all of these?!
But the million-dollar question is HOW?
Polly, tell me how I create all of this?
Truly honestly for me the 2 Keys are:
1. Entrepreneurship & running my own business
2. Mindset & Energy
Running my own business has given me the freedom to create a structure for sharing my gifts with the world, and for my own self expression, and the income and lifestyle & schedule to feel free.
It’s really easy to feel trapped by your business, and allow it to run you- this will come in waves during your business journey, and so true freedom is also an inner game. It’s about spotting those stories you tell yourself, and then catching them and turning them around:
“I can’t take Mondays off”
“I’m too busy to take a break”
“If I stop, it will all come to a halt”
“My clients need me so I have to be there for them”
“I have to work evenings because that’s when my clients want me”
“If I don’t do X, it will all collapse”
Here are some of mine over the last 15 years of running my own business. Perhaps you have found yourself saying, doing, or thinking some of these at one point too.
By challenging these stories, and creating new more beliefs, you will free yourself from the self imposed prison and be able to create true freedom, inside and out.
What resonated for you?
I’d love to hear what freedom is for you; please share in the comments below!