Ep. 13: “5 Money Blocks to Clear to Grow your Business"

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Ready to scale your business but bumping up against procrastination, fear and upper limits? 

This episode is for you. 

I unpack 5 of the top Money Blocks to Clear to Grow Your Business so that you can grow more easily, and take action with less struggle, forcing & pushing, and more ease and flow. 

We say to the Universe we want success, more money, an elevated lifestyle, a bigger business, more clients, more media opportunities…. but deep down there are fears. Fears that mean our subconscious mind is not in alignment with our conscious mind.  

And then what happens? 

We are just not moving forwards, because our beliefs are not congruent with the reality we are seeking to create. 

Join me today to uncover where your biggest block to more success and abundance is, and uncover the real reason scaling your business feels hard or out of reach. 

Today you will learn: 

  • How to identify if you are falling into the ‘not enough time’ trap 

  • Why money has to be able to “see” you 

  • Why you need to bust through your upper limits around how good life can get & how much you can earn & hold on to 

  • The biggest fears that hold women back from scaling their business 

With Love & Abundance,


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