Ep. 14: “How to Write a New Story Around Money"

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In this week’s episode I dive into the opportunity we all have to write a new story around money…. the possibility, the hope and the miracles that happen when you uplevel your wealth consciousness and money mindset. 

You will learn: 

  • 7 ways to tell if you have money blocks 

  • How to shift from fear and lack to abundance, trust and faith that money will always be there for you 

  • The 3 biggest money blocks I see in women entrepreneurs  

  • The many components that make up the way we interact with money in my real life case studies 

I am super excited to announce that enrolment is now open this week for Money Beautifully, my powerful programme to identifying & clearing your money blocks, so that you can break through your income ceiling and make more money, more easily.  

Go to www.moneybeautifully.com to find out more!  

With Love & Abundance,



Learn more about Money Beautifully here

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