Ep. 46: How to Plan Your Year Ahead
You can be the driver of your life or the passenger.
Which do you want to be?
Do you want to allow life to happen to you, or are you going to create the life you really desire for yourself?
In this episode I will be talking about getting clear on what you really want and what the focus is for the coming year.
The start of a new year is a turning point and a chance to let go, reset, and start over….this time of year is such a powerful time for reflection and renewal. Taking the time to reconnect to your vision, your goals and your intentions for the coming year will bring you clarity on how and where to focus your time and energy, in order to achieve your deepest desires.
Build upon your findings and takeaways from Episode 45 How to Do an End of Year Review, and decide upon the themes for the coming year.
I believe in using both your masculine and feminine energies to plan your year ahead and I explain how in this episode, along with 3 simple ways to plan your year using your feminine energies.
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