Ep. 103: 5 Ways to Breakthrough your Income Plateau

At some point in everyone’s life, an income plateau shows up. If you are an entrepreneur it’s going to show up more frequently and I truly believe that it’s a call to go to your next level, professionally, spiritually and energetically. In today’s episode I look at why we hit an income plateau, what it means and share 5 ways to break through to your next level of income.

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Ep. 102: The Hidden Blocks around Taking Time Off

One of the biggest issues I see with the high achieving, smart, capable women I work with is that they find it hard to take time off, relax and rest. So often they feel guilty taking a break, or end up filling that time with productive activity. Today I share the exact limiting patterns and blocks I found when I decided to take a break, and the roots of where they came from.

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Ep. 98: Uplevel your Personal Brand to Uplevel your Energy

Today I am diving into the topic of re-branding and why it has the power to bring fresh energy into your business. I share the behind-the-scenes of how my re-brand journey started and how it grew into an incredible & joyful creative project. I finish up with 3 powerful questions to ask yourself to find out if it’s time for a rebrand in your business.

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Ep. 95: It's Ok to Slow Down

It’s time to rewrite the paradigm of working more to achieve more. Slowing down doesn’t mean achieving less. When you step back from constantly producing and make the time to rest, you open the door for prosperity and abundance. In this episode, you will discover where your guilt for taking time off comes from and challenge the narrative around taking a holiday.

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Ep. 94: How your Ancestors Impact Your Abundance, with Linda Fitch, Teacher, Shaman & Coach

One of the most powerful places to examine when writing a new story around abundance, is to look back at your ancestors. Our lineage determines the way we look, what we experience in life and even how we think. Our DNA is programmed generation after generation and impacts how we handle situations and what we create in our life and work.

On this week’s episode my special guest, Linda Fitch, a practicing shaman, coaches us on how far back these thought processes go and instructs us on how we can help heal those ancestors and, in turn, heal ourselves.

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Ep. 91: Taking Risks to Reap Rewards

We don’t grow in our comfort zone.

We don’t experience our true potential in our comfort zone

We don’t experience epic wealth, epic freedom, epic joy whilst keeping things the same, whilst staying in our comfort zone.

In today’s episode I share 5 shifts you can make to take bigger risks.

 So,  what do you choose?

Safe and comfortable…… or a life of possibilities, exploration, expansion and magic?

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Ep. 87: How to Align with Abundance

Do not believe the newspapers. Money is flowing freely. There is plenty of money in the world. People have money. People want to spend money. People are spending money - and on non-essential things.

Not to say people are not impacted by rising prices in many parts of the world at this time: fuel, food, mortgage costs, but there is no shortage of money out there.

Your job is to align with money & abundance and in this episode I teach you 3 ways to do this.

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Ep. 84: Turning Creativity & Passion into Success, with Lana Love, Founder of Passion Cafe Ibiza

Today I am interviewing Lana Love, Creator & Founder of the Passion Cafe Brand in Ibiza which celebrates it’s 20th anniversary this year.

Lana survived the civl war in Croatia, then moved to London for 13 years, before moving to the island of Ibiza. She went on to create a summer cafe in Ibiza out of necessity to make money in order to afford to go to drama school. Little did she know that she would ever make it to drama school, when all her creativity & passion got channelled into her new cafe business.

A pioneer in healthy eating, before matcha lattes and avocado toasts became a modern staple, Lans used her immense determination, creativity, hard work & resilience, to create an incredibly successful multi 7 figure business, currently encompassing 5 Passion Cafe restaurants in Ibiza, the Passion print magazine, and a team of over 75 people at the peak of summer.

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